Green Richmond

“All economic growth and human well-being depends on a clean and healthy planet earth. There is no contradiction between the environment, the economy and human happiness. These are all interdependent. Environmental justice on a global scale begins with actions at the local level and Richmond is a leader in sustainability and environmental protection.”
Core Values


Bill McNulty recognizes that every component of social and economic well-being depends on a sustainable and healthy environment. This city is at the forefront of Canadian municipalities in promoting green policies. With the advocacy of Bill McNulty, Richmond has:

  • Recognized the climate emergency and adopted proactive policies to confront it
  • Championed the opening of Works Yard recycling depot seven days a week
  • Reduced emissions, increased energy efficiency and diverted tons of materials from landfill
  • Purchased the Garden City Lands to create a community farm and bog conservation area
  • Expanded parks and greenspace
  • Banned rat poisons (rodenticides) on all city lands
  • Transitioned to electric and low-emission vehicles in city fleets
  • Advanced climate mitigation strategies, including dike amelioration to accommodate sea level rise and storm water system upgrades in anticipation of more intense precipitation events
  • Adopted planning strategies commensurate with our commitment to being a national and global leader in sustainability
  • Maximized transportation alternatives, including bicycle routes, greenways and trails, as well as expanded public transport, to enhance population health and reduce carbon emissions
  • Implemented and enhanced wide-ranging policies and programs to increase food security in Richmond and strengthen the agricultural sector

Learn more about Bill McNulty’s achievements and commitments around Green Richmond in his policy statement.

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